Whether you are a patient, provider, engineer, or industry leader – The quality of a medical device has a direct impact on your life.
We are in an industry that’s at the forefront of technology, but oftentimes, being at the cutting-edge leaves ample room for unexpected and dangerous outcomes. From costly designs to time-consuming projects, these stressors not only harm your bottom line but can cause long-term fear or doubt in your product.
We believe in a solution that can narrow these risks and move our industry forward – Confidence. But where does it come from and what exactly does it look like?
As explained by our Director of Simulation, Victor Kosmopoulos, PhD., confidence is being able to anticipate the exact outcome of a medical device through the use of virtual testing.
“I believe confidence comes from knowing exactly how a medical device will perform, how it will function, and understanding its range and limits,” says Dr. Kosmopoulos. “With such insight, our customers save time and money by being better informed about their products, and patients benefit by increased safety and treatment effectiveness.”
It’s not enough to be confident in a single phase of development or manufacturing. Or to rely on the ‘how it’s always been’ method. We are in an industry about people. It’s our mission to continue advancing patient care by providing the insights, and the confidence, to bring safe and effective medical devices to market.
If you’d like to gain the insights that help you make an informed decision that gets your product to market faster and with a high degree of confidence, then connect with us today.
Contact us now to let us know about your project, your idea, or how we can help.

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